It was looking like it was going to turn out to be a really nice day in London. Simon and I decided to make the most of it and head to Hyde Park. After going to the Serpentine Art Gallery, Simon decided he wanted to take me rowing along the Serpentine. He rowed me all the way from one end to the other.

After Hyde Park we decided to head back to Notting Hill to see if we could do some shopping. It was a whole different area compared to the scene from the festival. We made our way towards Portabello Rd and on the way, found a myriad of vintage clothing shops, antique jewelry, kitschy fun, and most surprisingly a burst of sun! Very strategically placed as we turned the corner around a pub called Sun in Splendor.

Privacy sidebar: I have found it customary for people to post their opt-out preferences right on their door!!

After a very long day of walking about, Simon and I retreated to Atlas restaurant/pub near Mike's place, one of their favorite dining spots. We both had sausage a mash, even though we had seen a pretty disgusting documentary on what is really in sausage the night before. Then we went to the cinema nearby to watch Mama Mia. We walked out humming ABBA because we couldn't help ourselves.
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